Kenya , Burundi , Rwanda , Tanzania , Uganda

Promoting energy efficiency in buildings

SECTOR : , Industrial


UN Habitat


project description

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which was the Global Environment Facility (GEF) implementing agency under the project, and UN-Habitat joined their efforts to launch the regional program entitled Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Eastern Africa (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda). The program aimed to remove barriers to the penetration of Energy Efficiency (EE) measures, technologies and systems in the building sector. It is to be noted that the project benefited from GEF funding.
The overall objective of this regional program was to mainstream EE measures into housing policies, building codes and building practices as a means to achieve considerable avoidance of GHG emissions as a result of improved building practices.Econoler was mandated to assist UN-Habitat in the development of the GEF Council Document with the specific responsibility to finalize the Project Document (Prodoc) and submit a Request for CEO Endorsement.


The main tasks undertaken by Econoler under the project included the following:

  • Worked closely with UN-Habitat staff to review and refine the draft Prodoc in line with UNEP/GEF requirements for submission to the GEF Secretariat.
  • Prepared the CEO Endorsement Document based on the GEF template.
  • Reviewed GEF documents for consistency purposes and modified them accordingly.
  • Participated as expert in discussions with UN‑Habitat staff and other EE experts for establishing the baseline and emission reduction targets.
  • Addressed all concerns raised by the GEF Secretariat during the Project Identification Form (PIF) stage.
  • Provided support to UN-Habitat to answer or clarify any comments made by GEF and its Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) after submission of the project and the CEO Endorsement Document.
  • Developed a model to assess the energy savings and the GHG emission reductions achieved through the program.
  • Addressed concerns raised by the UNEP project review team.
  • Delivered support to UN-Habitat for the completion of the Prodoc.
  • At the end of the mandate, Econoler provided a full‑size Prodoc and a Request for CEO Endorsement which had been previously reviewed and amended in accordance with GEF standards.
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