Alberta Urban Municipalities Association
projeCt Description
The Alberta Municipal Services Corporation (AMSC) identified municipal utility management as a leading priority. AMSC has structured a comprehensive program, referred to as the Utilities Management Program (UMP), which is composed of six distinct components. A strategy document on the first component, Educate, titled the UMP Strategy for Training and Certification Services was prepared.
The original intention for developing the training and certification platform was to enable all levels of the municipal administration to (1) speak the “same language” on the subject of energy efficiency and GHG management training and share the same vision and (2) demonstrate a concerted leadership in ensuring a municipality’s long-term financial viability by planning, implementing, monitoring and validating energy-conservation and GHG emission reduction initiatives.
To develop the AMSC training strategy, the following tasks were conducted:
- Survey of similar initiatives in other Canadian jurisdictions
- Development of an energy management training strategy based on the plan, do, check, act model for each of the targeted audiences (management, operational and technical level city staff)
- Characterization of the audience: typical role and responsibilities, education background and motivation
- Definition of training objectives and learning objectives for each of the training component
- Definition of the training scope and content
- Preparation of cost and revenues scenarios as well as delivery methods