Hydro-Québec is one of the largest producers, distributors and vendors of electricity in North America. The company is also active in the field of energy efficiency, establishing programs and tools intended to save energy and to manage the demand for electricity.
As part of its Energy Efficiency Plan, Hydro-Québec launched a major commercial and institutional program targeting the building sector “Offre intégrée en efficacité énergétique pour les bâtiments (OIEEB). The program was intended for both existing buildings and new constructions and allows for either a prescriptive or a made-to-measure approach.
When implementing such an initiative, Hydro-Québec have to call on independent experts to assess results at various stages.
Hydro-Québec appointed Econoler to assess its OIEEB program during the first two years of implementation. As many types of buildings and measures were part of the program, Econoler was called upon to use an array of complex assessment methods.
The mandate included a market assessment and an energy impact assessment. Econoler therefore undertook the following activities:
- Met with program designers and managers.
- Analyzed and processed the program database.
- Validated the impact of Hydro-Québec’s program on the establishment of baselines.
- Validated the certification process using a sample of 60 completed projects.
- Designed data collection methods such as questionnaires used in telephone surveys, as well as interview guides and sampling plans.
- Collected survey data from participant and non-participant organizations, as well as from those that abandoned a project.
- Collected data by means of in-depth interviews with commercial and technical partners to estimate market outcomes of the program and identify baselines in Quebec’s commercial lighting sector.
- Calculated gross and net energy impacts of the program.
Econoler’s assessment identified the market impacts of the OIEEB program. It also allowed Hydro-Québec to claim its share of the energy savings generated by the program.