UNIDO/ ECO Secretariat
project description
The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), in partnership with sub-regional economic communities/organisations and their Members States, has been developing the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) for the past 10 years, an innovative partnership to accelerate the energy transition and mitigate the impacts of climate change in developing countries via the establishment of energy promotion centres. The GN-SEC now counts six operating centres (ECREEE in West Africa, EACREEE in East Africa, RCREEE in the MENA region, CCREEE in the Caribbean, PCREEE in the Pacific, and SACREEE in Southern Africa).
The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is a regional intergovernmental organisation encompassing diverse member countries from Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and South Asia. Among the overall objectives of ECO is the promotion of conditions for sustainable development in the ECO regions and intensification of natural resource mobilisation, in particular energy resources.
UNIDO has commissioned Econoler to work in close collaboration with ECO to establish the CECECO. To accomplish this mandate, Econoler and a team of local and regional experts developed national and regional baselines and perform needs assessments that will then inform the conduct of a feasibility study. Under the mandate, Econoler carryied out the following tasks:
- Developed a regional and national baseline and needs assessments
- Elaborated a feasibility study on CECECO
- Contributed to the regional consultative meeting by presenting the CECECO project document and help organise the meeting.
Establishing the CECECO is a key factor to achieve ECO region clean energy goals, including improving collaboration between ECO Member States on EE/RE, fostering diverse and resilient energy architecture, promoting energy investments through EE/RE advocacy and establishing an institutional advisory mechanism.