GIZ Deutche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
projeCt Description
Since 2012, Ghana has been experiencing the worst energy crisis in the country’s history. The capital Accra has been hit hardest because of a large concentration of energy users. Due to the strategic relevance of energy efficiency to ensure sustainable development and enhance urban resilience, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) requested that EUEI-PDF provide technical and financial assistance for the development of an energy efficiency strategy for municipal public buildings in Accra. The project was designed in coordination with the Cities Alliance Project through the Future Cities Africa Programme in Ghana, as well as the 100 Resilient Cities Initiative. These organizations have identified energy efficiency as a rapid way of improving urban and climate resilience.
It is expected that the project will contribute to Ghana’s Nationally Determined Contribution target of doubling the rate of energy efficiency. The project will also help relieve the energy constraints which have hampered economic growth since 2012. Econoler has been mandated to achieve these project objectives.
The assignment includes the following tasks:
- Carry out two in-depth level-3 energy audits in two buildings belonging to AMA. The audits will help to determine necessary energy metering, identify wastages or overconsumption and evaluate the costs of remedial measures. These measures will be identified as zero/low-cost measures and more expensive investments;
- Design an EE strategy and action plan delineating a clear energy efficiency strategy with short, medium, and long-term objectives and milestones;
- Design an investment financing scheme to enable the implementation of the measures suggested in the action plan and in both audit reports;
- Implement the zero/low-cost measures identified by the audits. Soft measures such as the sensitization of energy managers and raising awareness among technical staff will be partly addressed through a workshop and a training session. Hard measures such as installing low-cost energy efficiency equipment will be implemented under the supervision of Econoler;
- Organize a training on walkthrough audits and appropriate energy efficiency measures for buildings;
- Organize a workshop to raise awareness on the importance of energy efficiency among youth and fostering the interest of young women in technical careers;
- Organize a workshop to widely disseminate project outcomes and increase overall awareness on energy efficiency issues in the municipalities of the Greater Accra Region, attended by a wide range of stakeholders.