RCREEE – Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
A new electricity law was issued in Egypt in 2015 and it requires subscribers whose contractual capacity exceeds 500 KW to appoint an energy manager to improve power usage efficiency and keep a power register as per Article 48 of the law. Therefore, to support the implementation of this law in Egypt (and of similar laws in other Arab countries), the RCREEE is planning to develop the first pilot Certified Energy Management Professional (CEMP) Training Program in Egypt based on the request of the Ministry of Renewable Energy (MoERE).
Econoler is developing the training materials for the program (concept, manual, the training contents, including the presentations, the examination paper and the evaluation template and report) and conducting the first pilot training session for the CEMP Program.
The CEMP program was developed by the RCREEEE and the League of Arab States in cooperation with the regional GIZ project RE-ACTIVATE.
Econoler was hired to develop the training session for the CEMP program and deliver the first pilot training session by carrying out the following tasks:
- Designing and developing the CEMP program manual and training materials.
- Specifying how the training, examination and certification were to be handled (requirements and mechanisms for entering and passing the program).
- Assisting in evaluating the first CEMP pilot training session in Egypt (including developing and delivering the training, administering the examination and certifying the applicants for the pilot).
Econoler not only helped develop the necessary professional and technical capacities for effectively enforcing the new electricity law in Egypt, but also helped create a new, attractive and broad labour market segment for highly qualified workers.