Ministry of Industry and Trade of socialist republic of Vietnam (MOIT)
projeCt Description
The Clean Production and Energy Efficiency Project (CPEE) had carried out some activities focusing on the development of the ESCO/EESP sector in Vietnam, such as the “Comprehensive survey and analysis of emerging energy efficiency service providers or ESCOs in Vietnam” and “Assessment of the needs of ESCO/EESPs and other key market players for training and capacity building in Vietnam”, both aiming to help the MOIT implement its support to promote ESCO businesses in Vietnam.
In addition to an advanced training program for capacity building in Vietnam’s ESCO/EESP sector, the MOIT intends to promote the EPC application to EE investment, which is still a new concept in Vietnam. The MOIT wishes to hire an international consultant to develop (i) an EPC template to be applied in Vietnam, and (ii) guidelines for the application of the EPC contract.
The assignment consisted in conducting a review of international experience in EPC application in terms of application scope, experience and lessons learned, along with assessment of the energy efficiency development in Vietnam, government policy and ESCO market development.
EPC templates were developed and discussed during a workshop with stakeholders to finalize the templates to be used for all future EPC projects within the developed guidelines.
Training on EPC application was conducted in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang targeting ESCOs, government agencies, financial institutions, research institutes and consultants.