
Course on Strategic Energy Management Program Evaluation

EXPERTISE : , Energy Efficiency and DSM Programs /Evaluations /Formation
SECTOR : , Commercial, Industriel, Services d’utilité publique


Vermont Energy Investment Corporation


description du projet

Econoler developed and delivered a 4-hour course tailored to Vermont Energy Investment Corporation’s needs to help this client prepare for claiming savings from its Strategic Energy Management (SEM) program for the first time. This course provided guidance to program administrators and evaluation managers on how to cope with common challenges and find solutions in measuring and claiming SEM savings. In this course, Econoler shared its experience and lessons learned in evaluating and advising on SEM programs in other leading jurisdictions. The training also covered issues that may arise when reporting SEM savings to program regulators, including the incremental savings, the annualized savings, and savings persistence. The course provided participants with useful training for accurately determining ex-ante savings by helping them gain a clear understanding of not only the approach that an evaluator is likely to employ, but also the kinds of information and data to be needed to address key evaluation questions.

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