(UNDP) Mauritius and Seychelles Country Office
Mauritius is heavily reliant on fossil fuels to power its economy and the Government of Mauritius (GoM) has prepared an energy-sector Action Plan for the Energy Strategy 2011-2025 so as to address the continuous increase in energy prices and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The GoM recognizes energy efficiency and energy conservation as proven means to deal with the energy and environmental challenges lying ahead so as to be able to promote sustainable development.
In line with the GoM’s strategy and the overall goal to sustainably reduce GHG emissions, the UNDP-Mauritius, with the help of a grant from AOSIS/SIDSDOCK, contracted Econoler as a consultant for this project. More specifically, this project aimed to overcome the barriers to energy efficiency and energy conservation in buildings, and to reinforce the development of a market approach to improving energy efficiency in both existing and future new buildings.
The main beneficiaries of this project are the Energy Efficiency Management Office (EEMO) and the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping (MPI, NDU, LT&S).
For Lot 2, the focus was specifically placed on the review, customization and finalization of the regulations for energy efficiency compliance management, namely the Energy Efficiency Building Code and the draft Regulations, and the development of a Building Code Compliance Scheme. Econoler provided GoM with guidance on construction methods and specifications by taking into account the issues related to sustainability and eco-building in a tropical environment.
The following main tasks were carried out:
Reviewed architectural specifications and construction methods followed in government building projects.
- Reviewed, customized and finalized the Energy Efficiency Building Code.
- Developed a macro-based Excel software tool to be used in the verification of compliance with the Energy Efficiency Building Code and provided advice about the possibility to upgrade and customize the existing Mauritian Building Energy Audit Tool (MBEAT) software.
- Reviewed and finalized the draft Energy Efficiency Building Regulations.
Devised an Energy Efficiency Building Code Compliance Scheme.
- Provided capacity-building, assessment, and certification to a group of local Energy Compliance Assessors for the Energy Efficiency Building Code Compliance Scheme.
- Made an energy-compliance assessment of the design of 10 new non-residential buildings (>500m2).
- Provided capacity-building to the future custodians and managers of the Energy Efficiency Building Code Compliance Scheme.
The Government of Mauritius is following the recommendations made by Econoler and is on its way to reach its goal of sustainably reducing GHG emissions by implementing an energy-audit management scheme and an energy efficiency building code compliance scheme.