The Inter-American Development Bank
In 2006, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) established the Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Initiative (SECCI) with the double objective of introducing the concept of climate change within its organization and supporting countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in mainstreaming the concept in their own countries. Thereafter, the IDB created the SECCI Funds in 2007 as a financial instrument to support the work of SECCI. The SECCI Funds are financed by resources from the Ordinary Capital (OC) of the IDB and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Multi-donor Fund (MSC). By December 2017, the SECCI Funds (OC and MSC) had received USD 140 million. The IDB thus issued a tender to hire a consulting firm to carry out a 10-year evaluation of the SECCI Funds, and Econoler-EY consortium was selected as the winning bidder.
The main goal of the evaluation was to provide clear understanding of what had been achieved since the creation of the SECCI Funds up to the end of 2017. The mandate also comprised an analysis of results, challenges encountered, and the issuance of a series of lessons learned and recommendations. The evaluation also served to provide insights on the continuation of the SECCI Funds in the coming years.
The SECCI Funds evaluation was structured around the following themes: Relevance (to the climate change adaptation and mitigation needs of LAC countries); Efficiency (cost effectiveness and timeliness of project execution); Knowledge (production dissemination and usefulness); Effectiveness (achievement of project objectives); Impact (contribution to LAC countries’ climate strategies and policies); Sustainability and Scalability (the extent to which large-scale projects were implemented and loan operations launched pursuant to SECCI-funded projects).
The consortium mainly concluded that the SECCI Funds are a relevant, efficient, and impactful tool to address climate change in the LAC region. The evaluation team thus recommended that the SECCI Funds be continued.