IDB Invest
project description
IDB Invest is developing a partial credit guarantee for Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Pacífico (COOP PACIFICO) with the objective of financing green projects for micro, small and medium enterprises in the production and services sectors of Peru. For this reason, COOP PACIFICO wished to deepen its knowledge and skills on sustainable finance. Econoler was selected by IDB Invest to assist in the design of a sustainable finance strategy and provide technical assistance for the development of a green portfolio for COOP PACIFICO.
Under this technical cooperation, Econoler performed the following tasks:
- Identified and specified green investment opportunities. Econoler analyzed COOP PACIFICO’s portfolio and then outlined bankable green investments with high energy-savings potential in different market sectors and customer groups (micro, small, medium and large).
- Assisted in creating a green finance pipeline. Econoler identified strategic clients with EE/RE potential and presented typical EE/RE investments. Econoler, with COOP PACIFICO, conducted meetings with certain clients with the objective of identifying specific EE/RE opportunities at their facilities, which could potentially be developed into bankable investments. For one of these clients, Econoler conducted a detailed energy audit of a client facility to determine the EE/RE project investment size, financial impacts as well as most appropriate terms and conditions.
- Analyzed investment barriers and solutions to overcome these. The analysis was limited to priority sectors for COOP PACIFICO. More in-depth analysis was carried out for the most important aspects such as the regulatory and control frameworks, resource costs (water and energy), and supplier capacity and quality.
- Delivered training workshops focused to the needs of each target group. Econoler conducted two separate workshops – one for senior managers (heads of department) and one for operational level staff (sales, risk and processes). Senior management were educated in the business potential of green lending, investments opportunities in Peru, and the value of green investments as a tool for portfolio diversification. Operational staff were trained on identifying and screening EE/RE investments based on their lending portfolio and the strategic development areas identified by management.
Econoler supported COOP PACIFICO in the development of a green lending product for social housing financing (Techo Propio).