Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua

Energy audits program

EXPERTISE : , Energy Performance Contracting
SECTOR : , Commercial, Industriel


Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC)


project description

The IIC is carrying out a program to identify and assess small and medium enterprises (SME) with the aim of improving their competitive profile and access to sources of financing. The program is extended in Central American countries, where it is being financially supported by the Republic of Korea through the Korea-IIC SME Development Trust Fund.

IDB’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Initiative (SECCI) aims to provide support to the LAC region in the search for energy options, which are economically and environmentally feasible. The expansion of energy efficiency (EE) technologies, practices and carbon finance in the region are among the initiative’s main objectives.

Through SECCI, the IIC contracted Econoler to provide technical assistance in the form of energy audits for its clients, SMEs of Central America.


Econoler mainly performed ten energy audits in Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and El Salvador.

Within this context, Econoler carried out the following activities:

  • Fostering a local team of energy auditors.
  • Selecting ten SMEs in Central America from IIC’s customer file.
  • Establishing a baseline for each SME.
  • Assessing the plant equipment performance of the ten SMEs and conditions of operation.
  • Identification and assessment of energy efficiency measures for the ten SMEs; and
  • Developing energy efficiency projects with investment grade.
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