European Commission Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)
Krajowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii Spolka Akcyjna (KAPE)
project description
FinEERGo-Dom (Financing Scheme for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Guaranteed in Deep Renovation of the Building Stock) is a EU-funded Horizon 2020 project. This 4-year project is led by a consortium of partners from seven countries.
The project’s objective is to refine and implement guaranteed financing schemes for energy efficiency and renewable energy in deep renovations of buildings in five EU countries. The concept has been developed based on the Latvian Energy Efficiency Facility (LABEEF), a financial scheme for supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy in deep renovations of public and private buildings successfully implemented in Latvia. The FinEERGo-Dom team is working with stakeholders from the public, financial and residential sectors to replicate the successful LABEEF energy efficiency financing mechanism across the region.
Econoler carried out the following tasks:
- Preparing the communication and dissemination plan, and the marketing materials promoting project visibility and identity.
- Developing the appropriate communication channels for reaching out to various stakeholder groups.
- Disseminating information through stakeholder groups by holding national events, training workshops, general awareness-raising campaigns.
- Developing training materials for all stakeholder groups in the participating countries and delivering training to stakeholders in Bulgaria.
- Analyzing Bulgaria’s legislative framework related to EE financing to help ensure the flawless implementation of the financial model.
- Adapting the LABEEF’s existing financing scheme documentation (EPC contracts, forfeiting agreements, investment guidelines, etc.) to meet the specific needs of the other countries involved in this project.
Econoler cooperated with several international partners to improve the structure of the existing LABEEF financing mechanism for supporting deep EE renovation of buildings and to adapt the scheme to meet the needs of the Bulgarian market. Relying on its extensive experience with implementing EU-funded projects, Econoler is taking the lead in developing the overall marketing and visibility strategy and materials for this Horizon 2020 project.