
Investment-grade audit training

EXPERTISE : , Capacity Building Services
SECTOR : , Commercial


EPS Capital Corp.

project description

The type of work so far performed by Jordan’s energy service providers (ESPs) has mainly revolved around the installation of PV systems, lighting replacement or other technically simple measures. There was a clear lack of capability for analyzing the impacts of more complex measures such as chiller systems, steam generation and this lack is more obvious when the ESP is called on to deal with a larger project in which multiple measures are combined. For more complex measures, the interplay among individual measures must be accounted for through building simulation to provide accurate estimates of savings.

With regards to the ASHRAE definition of auditing, Jordan’s ESPs typically performed Level 2 audits and may include parts of a Level 3 audit without qualifying these parts as Level 3. The main reasons for such a situation were concerned with the lack of (1) ESPs’ capability for creating calibrated computer-based building simulations, (2) standard criteria for developing an M&V system compatible with the Level 3 audit and (3) detailed impact analysis of more complex measures.


Econoler was thus contracted to develop, coordinate and deliver a specific 3-day training session on investment-grade audits (IGAs). More specifically, this training session covered the following topics:

  • Energy Efficiency Project (EEP) Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions in Jordan
  • EE Technologies and Comprehensive Project Examples
  • ESCO Business Model
  • EEP Savings Measurement and Verification
  • Project and IGA Development Approach
  • EEP Finance Schemes
  • EEP Risks and Mitigation Strategies
  • IGA Major Elements
  • Converting Energy Savings Opportunities to Implemented Measures
  • Savings Estimating Techniques and Risk-mitigating Strategies
  • Baseline Calculations and Future Adjustments
  • Savings Calculations and M&V for Bundled EE/RE Technologies
  • Use of Field Measurement Equipment
  • Interdependencies among Combined Technologies

This interactive training session included many case studies and examples, as well as hands-on learning of the RETScreen software.

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