Quebec - Canada

Evaluation of demand-side management programs of the MRNF/MNRW

EXPERTISE : , Energy Efficiency and DSM Programs
SECTOR : , Commercial, Public


Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec


projeCt Description

At the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife (MNRW), the energy sector is being partially managed by its Energy Efficiency and Innovation Office (BEIE), which supervises a variety of programs of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

With the introduction of the Climate Change Action Plan 2013-2020 (PACC 2020), as well as the Master Plan for Energy Efficiency and Innovation 2013-2018, the BEIE intended to rework its programs by planning on making necessary changes to improve their performance and effectiveness.

Against this backdrop, the BEIE wished to evaluate two of its programs, i.e. the Assistance Program for Implementing Efficiency Measures in Buildings (PAIMEB) and the Refrigeration Optimization Program (OPTER). Intended for the buildings sector that used heating oil and propane, the PAIMEB aimed to improve energy performance in buildings by implementing energy efficiency measures and by switching to some non-traditional sources of energy. The OPTER was designed for arenas, curling centers and supermarkets, and encouraged implementing more efficient refrigeration and heat recovery systems.


Econoler was mandated to evaluate the PAIMEB and the OPTER since their introduction. The objective of this mandate was to analyze the efficiency and relevance of their processes, assess their impacts on both energy and non-energy issues, and carry out a strategic diagnosis to prepare for their next renewal.

In order to fulfill this mandate, Econoler carried out the following tasks:

  • Meetings with program managers and the stakeholders involved;
  • Analysis of program documentation;
  • Analysis of program database;
  • In-depth analysis of a sample of participant cases;
  • Literature review (secondary data);
  • Conception of primary research tools;
  • Data collection using a survey with participating and non-participating clients;
  • Data collection using in-depth interviews with shareholders in the market, including heads of sectorial associations, building managers, consultants, and engineers specialized in refrigeration and other relevant fields;
  •  Technical revision of feasibility studies and  energy savings calculation documents;
  • Calculation of both programs’ energy impact.

After evaluating both programs’ processes and impacts, Econoler highlighted their respective strengths and weaknesses and made various recommendations for improving their effectiveness and for carrying out a possible recasting.


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