Canadian Trade and Investment Facility for Development
Project description
The Republic of Nauru is one of the smallest and most isolated nations in the world, with a total land area of 21 km2 and a population of just under 13,000 people. Nauru remains heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels used for the generation of electricity, transportation and cooking. The Government of Nauru is, however, determined to turn to green renewable energy (RE) as a driver of clean growth and a means of reducing the share of public resources invested in diesel-fired electricity generation. To this end, there is a national level political commitment to improving the sustainability of energy use through renewable energy sources and energy conservation measures. The Nauru Energy Road Map (NERM) 2014-2020 was endorsed by Cabinet in January 2015. Within this framework, the Nauru Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment (DCIE) required CTIF financial support to perform a feasibility study to inform the next iteration of the NERM.
Econoler, in association with CPCS as lead firm, has been mandated to perform feasibility studies on Nauru’s RE resources and opportunities. The assignment also covers the energy efficiency (EE) potential and social aspects of clean energy measures. Econoler experts are in charge of the following inputs:
Assessment of EE Potential:
Based on research and analysis using existing data and literature, several specific EE measures are being analyzed, along with their quantifiable impacts on the Nauru energy sector.
Gender and Social Inclusion Assessment of Selected RE Resources:
Econoler is performing a gender and social inclusion assessment of the following RE technologies, identified as suitable for the Nauru context: solar, wind, ocean thermal, imported biofuels, waste to energy and energy storage.
Institutional and Capacity Assessment:
Econoler is carrying out an assessment of stakeholders’ capacity to inform the strengths, limitations, opportunities and growth barriers in the Nauru sustainable energy sector.