Deutsche Gesellschaft für lnternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Project description
The German Corporation for Development (GIZ) and the National Agency for Energy Management (acronym in French “ANME”) launched the project called “Support for Promoting Energy Efficiency in Tunisia” (French acronym “APEET”) to support the government’s effort and develop expertise in energy efficiency. The assignment awarded to Econoler is aimed at (1) developing the brick-production industry’s energy-management strategy that will involve adopting new technologies and new services in Tunisia’s market, (2) promoting energy efficiency (EE) in the region and (3) building local energy-management capacity.
Econoler was hired to (1) analyze the current state of Tunisia’s brick-production industry, (2) assess and estimate the potential for achieving energy savings and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions in this industry as part of the effort to reach the Horizon 2030 goals and (3) build local brick factories’ energy-management capacity.
More specifically, Econoler is carrying out the following tasks:
- Assessing the local enterprises in Tunisia’s brick industry, their relations with international enterprises and their technical processes and production technologies.
- Assessing the brick industry’s potential for achieving energy savings and GHG emission reductions based on the data collected through the analysis of the industry and the analyses of the volume of emissions, the sources for reducing this industry’s energy consumption and the potential for reducing the associated GHG emissions.
- Proposing an energy-management action plan for the period of 2019-2030 for the brick industry according to the results of the audits and the program contracts developed.
- Building the brick factories’ energy-management capacity by holding bilateral meetings between experts and the selected brick factories.
This project is expected to not only help adopt new technologies and new EE services in Tunisia’s market by developing an energy-management strategy, but also help promote EE measures in the country and build the local brick factories’ energy-management capacity.