AfDB The African development Bank
project description
In line with the implementation of Sustainable Energy for All initiatives in Africa, the Climate Technology and Finance Center and Network has accepted a request from the Energy Commission of Ghana to improve energy efficiency in commercial and public buildings in Ghana. Considering the rapid growth in the construction of high-rise commercial buildings, the design and construction of energy-efficient commercial buildings offer big opportunities for energy efficiency improvements.
The African Development Bank (AfDB) hired Econoler and its partner firm GFA with the overall goal to improve the energy use efficiency in buildings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy studies, standards and regulations, public education and capacity-building.
This research and development project included energy audits in commercial and public buildings and the delivery of training sessions on EE and the development of energy efficiency standards and regulations for commercial and public buildings.
The main tasks were the following:
- Data-gathering;
- Data-analysis:
- Organization of training workshops for EE champions;
- Development of EE standards and legislative instruments for commercial and public building elements;
- Development of an EE labelling scheme for commercial and public buildings;
- Consultations with local stakeholders.
The AfDB is following the recommendations made by Econoler and is on the right track to accomplishing its goal of sustainably reducing greenhouse gas emissions by implementing energy efficiency standards and regulations for Ghana’s public and commercial buildings.