Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB)
Project Description
For this important project aiming the introduction of an energy efficiency building code in Sri Lanka, Econoler teamed with the prestigious Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories and Infotech, an important engineering and project management firm in Sri Lanka.
Econoler was in charge of reviewing and compare the Malaysian code with the earliest version of ASHRAE 90.1 energy efficiency code, and recommended several modifications and improvements to the base structure of the code that were then discussed with the technical committees.
The next step in the development of the code was to determine the level of performance that should be included in each code section based on economic soundness of their results. To do so, a typical building was selected in Colombo and was modelized in order to serve as a baseline for the technical and economical evaluation of various building components improvements. Typical meteorological data were developed during this process using national meteorology data.
The code then went into a public review process where extensive training and technology transfer accompanied its introduction to strengthen the institutional capacity of various government bodies and to allow them to take charge of its future improvement process.
Finally, an awareness campaign and a competition program were developed to increase the interest of the general public, architects and engineers in the content and application of the code.