
Development of a Super ESCO

EXPERTISE : /Start-up assistance to ESCOs
SECTOR : , Commercial, Industrial, Public, Residential, Transport


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


Project description

The UNDP seeks to advance a low-carbon development path and reduce Jamaica’s public sector energy bill by introducing renewable energy (RE) and improving energy efficiency (EE) in the health sector through the use of energy performance contracting (EPC). The project targets six health facilities in Jamaica and seeks to: (1) build relevant capacity in the public sector; (2) develop the appropriate technical skills necessary to support clean energy investments in the health sector; (3) strengthen the regulatory framework that governs the development and deployment of RE and EE technologies; and (4) identify and support the deployment of a sustainable mechanism involving a Super ESCO approach to be put in place by the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ).


Econoler has been mandated to:

  • Conduct a qualitative market analysis (e.g. regulatory, procurement, financial, social) and analyze the gaps that might constrain the effectiveness of the launch of an ESCO and develop associated mitigation approaches;
  • Design a sustainable Super ESCO business model that enables operators, local ESCOs and beneficiary hospitals to have the tools and resources to launch and enter into EPCs during the pilot programme implementation period and in the future. These tools and resources include:
    • Model investment grade energy audit including procedures and processes to establish baselines for performance guarantees;
    • Model EPC to comply with local legal and regulatory requirements.
    • M&V adapted approach, an operating agreement, as well as fund disbursement policies and procedures.
  • Develop a training program and deliver training for:
    • Super ESCO Operators from PCJ for the activity operation
    • Financial institutions on ESCO financing that includes a project evaluation methodology, transaction documents, and risk assessment and mitigation strategies;
    • EPC pilot programme participants and key stakeholders to provide them with the necessary tools and resources for successful EPC contracts.
  • Support EPC pilot program participants, including contract negotiation, implementation plan reviews for the target hospitals;
  • Provide advisory services to the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), the local entity interested in playing the role of Super ESCO, to ensure effective pilot programme monitoring and evaluation.
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