
Demand-side management in street-lighting and agricultural pumping

EXPERTISE : , Energy Performance Contracting /Energy management systems, Energy Efficiency and DSM Programs
SECTOR : , Utilities


ADB Asian Development Bank


project description

The urbanization of Bangladesh has grown exponentially since its independence. The development and management of the country’s infrastructures could not keep pace with rapid urban development. The inadequate capacity of infrastructures due to ineffective planning and control has caused environmental degradation and limited opportunities for economic and social development.

To support the development urban infrastructures, which are essential to the development of local economy and urban environment improvement, the Government of Bangladesh has initiated the City Region Development Project (CRDP) with ADB funding.

The CRDP implements measures involving solar-powered street-lighting systems and energy-efficient water supply technologies, using the resources presented by the available pool of carbon mitigation funds. In addition to CRDP activities, special services are required to create awareness and build capacity among municipal staff, officials and public-service representatives, using various means, to help facilitate the implementation of energy-efficiency improvement programs.

Energy-efficiency improvements offer favorable options to countries with financial constraints. Primarily due to a lack of awareness/knowledge, municipalities in such countries may lack the capabilities to address energy-efficiency issues. It appeared that the limited interventions in many municipalities had been mainly made in a reactive manner to meet immediate needs, without much coordination or strategic planning.


ADB mandated Econoler to provide the CRDP with the necessary technical assistance in designing and implementing street-lighting and water pump demonstration pilot projects in the Tongi municipality, as well as in developing and delivering an awareness-raising/capacity-building program.

More specifically, Econoler carried out the following activities:

  • Reviewed the preliminary study, “Preparatory Technical Assistance Consultants”, and other available information related to the project.
  • Conducted energy audits and surveys to record benchmarking parameters for street-lighting and water pumping stations in Tongi municipality.
  • Identified street-lighting and water pumping pilot projects; developed and designed equipment specifications; and performed strategic planning.
  • Prepared bidding documents, helped complete the procurement of equipment and selected the installation contractor in accordance with ADB’s
  • Procurement Guidelines.
  • Supervised the implementation of the street-lighting and water pumping pilot projects.
  • Measured and verified the savings of the pilot projects.
  • Performed additional energy audits and surveys for municipalities to help identify areas for energy efficiency improvement.

By successfully fulfilling this mandate, Econoler helped introduce energy-efficiency improvement programs in city region areas, promoted best practices through demonstration pilot projects, performed capacity-building among municipal staff, officials and public-service representatives as well as awareness-raising among stakeholders regarding energy efficiency initiatives and other relevant issues. The implemented pilot projects achieved a measured energy savings of 43% for street-lighting and 23% for water pumping.

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