(HEP) Hrvatska Elektroprivreda
projeCt Description
Restructuring of HEP Group (Croatia’s electric utility) as well as the new legal and institutional framework, resulted in significant changes in the Croatian energy sector. A significant part of legislation and specific policies regard renewable energy sources (RES) and their exploitation.
As such, RES is profitable. This is confirmed by a large interest from foreign and domestic investors.
To fulfill its sustainable development strategy and to take a leading role in the RES market, HEP formed a company called HEP – Obnovljivi izvori energije (HEP – Renewable energy sources). Through its new-founded company, HEP intends to develop the RES market and become a promoter and financial or technical partner in RES projects.
Econoler was mandated to elaborate HEP Renewable business plan.
Econoler conducted the following activities:
- RETScreen training on pre-feasibility analyses.
- Market analysis on wind, biomass, geothermal and solar resources.
- Analysis of various market and strategic approaches.
- Define a business model and a partnership model that will be used for project development.
- Recommend a market strategy for the introduction of activities in the first years of operation.
- Recommend an organizational structure coherent with the implemented business model.
- Evaluate all human resources required to operate HEP Renewable in the first years.
- Develop a general financial model in electronic format to be used for each renewable project.
- Develop an aggregating financial workbook to gather financial data related to HEP Renewable operations from each renewable project.
- Risk analysis for HEP Renewable and appropriate mitigation strategies.
- Work plan for the first year of business plan implementation.