El Salvador

Energy Audits and Sustainability Training Workshops – GREENINVEST

EXPERTISE : , Financing Mechanisms and Fund Management /Formation
SECTOR : , Commercial


IDB Invest


project description

The Inter-American Investment Corporation (IDB INVEST) created the GREENPYME Program, currently called GREENINVEST, in order to provide advisory services to companies with the aim of helping increase their competitiveness through the reduction of their energy costs. Within the framework of this Program, IDB INVEST granted a loan to Banco Agrícola of El Salvador, aiming at increasing access by SMEs to financing for EE and RE projects. As part of this project, IDB INVEST retained Econoler to carry out training activities and energy audits.


Econoler carried out the following activities:

  • To perform a working breakfast for executives of Banco Agrícola, in order to provide support to higher management to incorporate the sustainability component.
  • To carry out three awareness-raising workshops for Salvadoran SMEs interested in obtaining energy and environmental savings.
  • To deliver two training workshops for credit officers of the Bank about climate finance and sustainable project assessment.
  • To perform 20 Simple Energy Audits for customers of the Bank, with the aim of identifying the potential for energy savings.
  • To proceed to the follow-up and monitoring of energy saving measures implemented under the 20 Simple Energy Audits, through this project.

Econoler supports Banco Agrícola to develop its internal capacities for the promotion and development of credits for green projects and by means of the Simple Energy Audits, to expand its energy efficiency project portfolio.

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